Audi A4 Owners & Service Manuals

Audi A4: Differential

Overview - Differential

Overview - Differential

1 - Left Flange Shaft Seal

  • Replacing. Refer to → Chapter "Left Seal, Replacing".

2 - Shim

  • Behind the taper roller bearing outer race

3 - Taper Roller Bearing Outer Race

4 - Front Differential

5 - Bolt

  • Tightening specification and sequence. Refer to → Fig. "Final Drive Cover - Tightening Specification and Sequence".

6 - Circlip

  • Replacing

7 - Right Flange Shaft

  • Removing and installing. Refer to → Chapter "Right Flange Shaft, Removing and Installing".

8 - Right Flange Shaft Seal

  • Replacing. Refer to → Chapter "Right Seal, Replacing".

9 - Final Drive Cover

  • Removing and installing. Refer to → Servicing - 7-Speed Dual Clutch Transmission 0CJ, 0CK, 0CL; Rep. Gr.39; Gaskets; Left Gasket, Replacing.

10 - O-Ring

  • Replace after removing

11 - Shim

  • Behind the taper roller bearing outer race

12 - Taper Roller Bearing Outer Race

13 - Left Flange Shaft

  • Removing and installing. Refer to → Chapter "Left Flange Shaft, Removing and Installing".

14 - Bolt

  • Tightening specification 10 Nm + 90º
  • Quantity: 3

15 - Gear Carrier

  • Attached to the left flange shaft with the bearing -16- and the circlip -17-

16 - Bearings

  • For the left flange shaft

17 - Circlip

  • For the left flange shaft bearing

Final Drive Cover - Tightening Specification and Sequence

- Tighten the bolts in steps according to the specified sequence:


Final Drive Cover - Tightening Specification and Sequence

Left Flange Shaft, Removing and Installing

Special tools and workshop equipment required

  • Sealing Grease. Refer to the Parts Catalog.


  • The transmission is installed.

- Drain the transmission fluid. Refer to → Chapter "Transmission Fluid, Draining and Filling".

- Remove the left drive axle. Refer to → Suspension, Wheels, Steering; Rep. Gr.40; Drive Axle; Drive Axle, Removing and Installing.

- Remove the left drive axle heat shield. Refer to → Suspension, Wheels, Steering; Rep. Gr.40; Drive Axle; Drive Axle Heat Shield, Removing and Installing.

- Remove the left shock absorber fork. Refer to → Suspension, Wheels, Steering; Rep. Gr.40; Suspension, Upper Control Arm; Tower Brace, Removing and Installing.

- Remove the bolts -arrows- from the flange shaft mounting bracket.


- Remove the lower cover -arrow- from the transmission.



Risk of damaging the seal between the final drive and the transmission housing when removing the flange shaft.

  • If the flange shaft -arrow- is not held in a central position, the seal on the flange shaft spline will be damaged.
  • A seal must be replaced if it is damaged.

- To avoid damaging the seal, support and guide the flange shaft out of the opening in the transmission.


- Remove the left flange shaft -2- from the transmission in direction of -arrow A-.


Ignore -1, 3 and B-.


Install in the reverse order of removal while noting the following:


Replace bolts that were tightened with an additional turn after removing them.



Risk of damaging the seal between the final drive and the transmission housing when installing the flange shaft.

  • If the flange shaft -arrow- is not held in a central position, the seal on the flange shaft spline will be damaged.
  • A seal must be replaced if it is damaged.

- To avoid damaging the seal when inserting the flange shaft, support and guide the flange shaft into the opening in the transmission.


- Slide the left flange shaft -2- into the transmission in direction of -arrow B-. When doing this, insert the flange shaft centrally into the seal on the front differential -arrow 3-.

- Install the shock absorber fork. Refer to → Suspension, Wheels, Steering; Rep. Gr.40; Suspension, Upper Control Arm; Shock Absorber Fork, Removing and Installing.


Tightening Specification

  • Refer to → Chapter "Overview - Differential"
  • Refer to → Suspension, Wheels, Steering; Rep. Gr.40; Drive Axle; Overview - Drive Axle.
  • Refer to → Suspension, Wheels, Steering; Rep. Gr.40; Drive Axle; Drive Axle Heat Shield, Removing and Installing.

Right Flange Shaft, Removing and Installing

Special tools and workshop equipment required

  • Circlip Pliers -VAS5503A-
  • Used Oil Collection and Extraction Unit -SMN372500-
  • Slide Hammer Set -VW771- with Slide Hammer Set - Bolt -VW771/43-
  • Sealing Grease -G 052 128 A1-


- Remove the right drive axle. Refer to → Suspension, Wheels, Steering; Rep. Gr.40; Drive Axle; Drive Axle, Removing and Installing.

- Remove the right drive axle heat shield. Refer to → Suspension, Wheels, Steering; Rep. Gr.40; Drive Axle; Drive Axle Heat Shield, Removing and Installing.

- Place the Used Oil Collection and Extraction Unit -SMN372500- under the transmission.

- Place the Slide Hammer Set -VW771- with Slide Hammer Set - Bolt -VW771/43- on the flange shaft, as shown.

- Remove flange shaft.



Install in the reverse order of removal while noting the following:


Replace the circlip after removal.

- Insert the circlip -1- with the Circlip Pliers -VAS5503A-.

- Check the right flange shaft seal for damage and replace if necessary. Refer to → Chapter "Right Seal, Replacing".

- Fill the space between the sealing/dust lip halfway with Sealing Grease -G 052 128 A1-.

- Insert the right flange shaft.

- Fill the transmission fluid and check the level. Refer to → Chapter "Transmission Fluid, Draining and Filling".


Tightening Specifications

  • Refer to → Chapter "Overview - Differential"
  • Refer to → Suspension, Wheels, Steering; Rep. Gr.40; Drive Axle; Overview - Drive Axle.
  • Refer to → Suspension, Wheels, Steering; Rep. Gr.40; Drive Axle; Drive Axle Heat Shield, Removing and Installing.


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