Audi A4 Owners & Service Manuals

Audi A4: Disposal

Front Gas-Filled Shock Absorbers, Venting and Draining

Special tools and workshop equipment required

  • Hand drill
  • 3 mm diameter drill bit.
  • 6 mm diameter drill bit
  • Oil collecting container
  • Protective eyewear


- Secure the gas-filled shock absorber vertically in a vise with the piston rod facing down.


Risk of eye injury.

Wear protective eyewear!

- Drill a 3 mm hole -A- through the shock absorber outer tube.


Gas escapes when drilling.

- Continue drilling until the tube inside is drilled through (approximately 25 mm deep).

- Drill a second 6 mm hole -B- through the outer and inner shock absorber tubes.

- Hold the shock absorber over an appropriate container for catching oil and move the piston rod repeatedly through the entire stroke until no more oil flows out.


Rear Gas-Filled Shock Absorbers, Venting and Draining

Special tools and workshop equipment required

  • Hand drill
  • 3 mm diameter drill bit.
  • 6 mm diameter drill bit
  • Oil collecting container
  • Protective eyewear


- Secure the gas-filled shock absorber vertically in a vise with the piston rod facing down.


Risk of eye injury.

Wear protective eyewear!

- Drill a 3 mm hole -A- through the shock absorber outer tube.


Gas escapes when drilling.

- Continue drilling until the tube inside is drilled through (approximately 25 mm deep).

- Drill a second 6 mm hole -B- through the outer and inner shock absorber tubes.

- Hold the shock absorber over an appropriate container for catching oil and move the piston rod repeatedly through the entire stroke until no more oil flows out.


Special Tools

Special tools and workshop equipment required

  • Tensioning Strap -T10038-


  • Engine/Gearbox Jack Adapter - Wheel Hub Support -T10149-


  • Engine and Gearbox Jack -VAS6931-



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