Audi A4 Owners & Service Manuals

Audi A4: Drive Axle, Disassembling and Assembling

Audi A4 (B9) 2016-2025 Service Manual / Chassis / Front Suspension / Drive Axle / Drive Axle, Disassembling and Assembling

Drive Axle, Disassembling and Assembling, Triple Roller Joint AAR 2600 i and AAR 3300 i

Special tools and workshop equipment required

  • Press Plate -VW401-
  • Press Plate -VW402-
  • Press Piece - Rod -VW408A-
  • Press Piece - Rod -VW411-
  • Press Piece - 31.5mm -VW416B-
  • Press Piece - Multiple Use -VW447H-
  • Slide Hammer Set -VW771-
  • Clamping Pliers -VAG1682A- with Clamping Pliers - Jaws -VAG1682A/1-
  • Tripod Joint Tool -T10065-
  • Assembly Tool -T10065/1-
  • Triple Roller Assembly Tool -T10065/5-
  • Triple Roller Assembly Tool -T10065/6-
  • Triple Roller Assembly Tool -T40018- for driveshafts with triple roller joint AAR 3300 i
  • Triple Roller Assembly Tool -T40084- for driveshafts with triple roller joint AAR 2600 i
  • Pneumatic Hydraulic Press -VAS6654-
  • Commercially available locking ring pliers.


  • The procedure for drive axles with triple roller joint AAR 2600 i and AAR 3300 i is the same, but with the following difference:
  • The -T40084- is used for the triple roller joint AAR 2600 i.
  • The -T40018- is used for the triple roller joint AAR 3300 i.


- Clamp the drive axle horizontally in a vise with protective covers.


Make sure the drive axle is not damaged.

- Open the clamps -arrows-.

- Slide back the CV boot.


There is a risk of noise while driving due to a changed installation position.

For reinstallation, mark the installation position of the joint to the drive axle using, for example, a waterproof felt-tip pen.


- Guide the -T40018- or -T40084- behind the joint.

  • The guide pins -1- must rest on the outer joint.

- Bring the -T40018- or -T40084- to rest on the joint by turning the knurled bolts -2-.



  • The joint must be secured without any play in the -T40018- or -T40084-.
  • Only tighten the knurled bolts hand tight.


- Install the -VW771- in the Triple Roller Assembly Tool -T40018- or -T40084-.

- Remove the joint horizontally with the -VW771-.

  • Leave the joint in the -T40018- or -T40084-.


There is a risk of noise while driving due to a changed installation position.

For reinstallation, mark the drive axle installation position -1- to the triple roller star -2- using, for example, a waterproof felt-tip pen.

- Remove grease with a lint-free cloth.


- Remove the circlip with locking ring pliers -1-.


- Arrange the special tools as shown.


1 - -T10065/1-

2 - -T10065/5-

3 - -VW401-

4 - -VW408A-

5 - -VW402-

  • The -T10065/5- must rest on the base body of the triple roller star
  • The -T10065/5- must not touch the rollers; move the rollers to the side if necessary.

- Press the triple roller star off the drive axle.

- Remove the CV boot.

- Remove the grease on the shaft splines.

- Check the roller body and ball cage for wear.

- Clean drive axle and housing.


- Slide on the small clamp with the CV boot.

- Position the CV boot between the -arrows- on the drive axle.


- Before installing the joint or triple roller star, the splines -arrow A- must be lightly coated with grease used in the joint.

- Place the triple roller star on the shaft according to the applied mark and drive on all the way.


- Arrange the special tools as shown.


1 - -T10065/1-

2 - -T10065/6-

3 - -VW401-

4 - -VW416B-

5 - -VW447H-

6 - -VW411-

7 - -VW402-

  • The -T10065/6- must attach to the bottom of the bead -arrow- in the drive axle.
  • The -T10065/6- must not touch the rollers; move the rollers to the side if necessary.

- Install the circlip with locking ring pliers -1-.

  • The circlip must engage audibly, and the triple roller star must lie on the circlip with no gap.

- Press the drive axle grease from the repair kit into the rear side of the triple roller joint.

- Lightly grease the roller body.


- Press the joint over the triple roller star using a plastic mallet in the direction of the -arrow-. Make sure roller body does not tilt during this.


-T40018- is shown in the example.

- Push remaining amount of grease in the CV boot.

- Make sure the CV boot is seated on the joint correctly.

  • The CV boot must fit in the groove and on joint contour.

- Mount and tighten the clamps on the triple roller joint. Refer to → Chapter "Clamp on Triple Roller Joint and Outer Joint, Tensioning".


Drive Axle, Disassembling and Assembling, Triple Roller Joint AAR 3700i

Special tools and workshop equipment required

  • Press Plate -VW401-
  • Press Plate -VW402-
  • Press Piece - Rod -VW409-
  • Press Piece - Multiple Use -VW412-
  • Press Piece - 37mm -VW416B-
  • CV Joint Press Sleeve -VW522-
  • Slide Hammer Set -VW771-
  • Press Block -40-204A-
  • Vibration Damper Assembly Tool -T40236-
  • Pneumatic Hydraulic Press -VAS6654-
  • Commercially available locking ring pliers.


- Clamp the drive axle horizontally in a vise with protective covers.


Make sure the drive axle is not damaged.

- Open the clamps -arrows-.

- Slide back the CV boot.


There is a risk of noise while driving due to a changed installation position.

For reinstallation, mark the installation position of the joint to the drive axle using, for example, a waterproof felt-tip pen.


- Guide the -T40236- behind the joint.

  • The guide pins -1- must rest on the outer joint.

- Move the -T40236- until it rests on the joint by turning knurled screws -2-.


  • Secure the joint without play in the -T40236-.
  • Only tighten the knurled bolts hand tight.


- Install the -VW771--3- in the -T40236--2-.

- Remove the joint -1- horizontally with the -VW771-.

  • Leave the joint in the -T40236-.



There is a risk of noise while driving due to a changed installation position.

For reinstallation, mark the installation position of the drive axle -1- to the triple roller star -2- using, for example, a waterproof felt-tip pen -arrow-.

- Remove grease with a lint-free cloth.


- Remove the circlip with locking ring pliers -1-.


- Arrange the special tools as shown.


1 - -VW409-

2 - Triple Roller Star

3 - -VW522-

4 - -VW401-

5 - -VW402-

  • The -VW522- must rest on the circlip -arrow-. The circlip is removed together with the triple roller star from the drive axle.
  • The -VW522- must not touch the rollers; move the rollers to the side if necessary.

- Press the triple roller star off the drive axle.

- Remove the CV boot.

- Remove the grease on the shaft splines.

- Check the roller body and ball cage for wear.

- Clean drive axle and housing.


- Slide on the small clamp with the CV boot.

- Position the CV boot between the -arrows- on the drive axle.


- Before installing the joint or triple roller star, the splines -arrow A- must be lightly coated with grease used in the joint.


- Install the -40-204A--2- as shown.

  • The -40-204A- must attach to the bottom of the bead -arrow- in the drive axle.

- Tighten the nuts -3- hand tight.

- Insert the new circlip -1- up to the center of the splines.

- Place the triple roller star on the shaft according to the applied mark and drive on all the way.


- Arrange the special tools as shown.


1 - -VW412-

2 - -VW416B-

3 - Triple Roller Star

4 - -40-204A-

5 - -VW402-

6 - -VW401-

  • The -VW416B- faces the triple roller star with the larger inner diameter.
  • The -40-204A- must attach to the bottom of the bead -arrow- in the drive axle.
  • The -40-204A- must not touch the rollers; move the rollers to the side if necessary.

- Press on the triple roller star.

  • The circlip must engage audibly, and the triple roller star must lie on the circlip with no gap.

- Install the circlip with locking ring pliers -1-.

- Press the drive axle grease from the repair kit into the rear side of the triple roller joint.

- Lightly grease the roller body.


- Push the joint -2- over the triple roller star using a plastic mallet -arrow-. Make sure roller body does not tilt during this.

  • 1 - Vibration Damper Assembly Tool -T40236-

- Push remaining amount of grease in the CV boot.

- Make sure the CV boot is seated on the joint correctly.

  • The CV boot must fit in the groove and on joint contour.

- Mount and tighten the clamp on the triple roller joint. Refer to → Chapter "Clamp on Triple Roller Joint and Outer Joint, Tensioning".



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