Audi A4 Owners & Service Manuals

Audi A4: Emergency assistance


 General information

Park the vehicle as far as possible from moving traffic in the event of a breakdown. In the event of a flat tire, park the vehicle on a level surface. If you are on a steep hill, be especially ca

 Tire mobility kit

Preparation Applies to: vehicles with tire mobility kit Read and follow the important safety precautions. Set the parking brake. Select the "P" selector lever position. Check if a repair with the

 Changing a tire

Preparation You must complete the preparation before changing a tire. Read and follow the important safety precautions. Set the parking brake. Select the "P" selector lever position. When towing


 Subframe, Lowering

Special tools and workshop equipment required Torque Wrench 1331 5-50Nm -VAG1331- Torque Wrench 1332 40-200Nm -VAG1332- Tensioning Straps -T10038- Engine and Gearbox Jack -VAS6931- Locating Pins -T40327- Procedure   Note During installation, all cable ties must be installed at the same

 Selector Lever Handle, Removing and Installing

  Note Both the selector lever handle and the selector lever boot are removed together. Special tools and workshop equipment required Trim Removal Wedge -3409- Torque Wrench 1410 - VAG1410- Removing Ignition switched off. - Remove the selector lever handle upper section -1- upward

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