Plenum Chamber Bulkhead Heat Shield, Removing and Installing
- Remove the plenum chamber bulkhead. Refer to → Chapter "Plenum Chamber Bulkhead, Removing and Installing".
- Remove the lock washers -arrows-.
- Remove the heat shield -1- from the plenum chamber bulkhead -2-.
Install in reverse order of removal.
Tightening Specifications
Rear Heat Shield for Longitudinal Member, Removing and Installing
- Remove the plenum chamber bulkhead. Refer to → Chapter "Plenum Chamber Bulkhead, Removing and Installing".
- Remove the rear noise insulation. Refer to → Chapter "Noise Insulation, Removing and Installing, Rear".
Right Side of Vehicle
- Remove the front muffler/front exhaust pipe. Refer to → Engine Mechanical; Rep. Gr.26; Exhaust Pipes/Mufflers; Overview - Muffler and → Engine Mechanical; Rep. Gr.26; Emissions Control System; Overview - Emissions Control System.
- Remove the lock washers -arrows-.
- Remove the heat shield -1-.
Left Side of Vehicle
- Remove the lock washers -arrows-.
- Remove the heat shield -1-.
Install in reverse order of removal.
Tightening Specifications
Front Heat Shield for Longitudinal Member, Removing and Installing
- Remove the rear noise insulation. Refer to → Chapter "Noise Insulation, Removing and Installing, Rear".
Left Side of Vehicle
- Remove the bolt -4-.
- Remove the lock washer -3- and clips -1-.
- Remove the heat shield -2-.
Right Side of Vehicle
- Remove the bolt -3-.
- Remove the clips -1 and 4-.
- Remove the heat shield -2-.
Install in reverse order of removal.
Tightening Specifications
Upper Front Heat Shield for Tunnel, Removing and Installing
Special tools and workshop equipment required
- TFSI vehicles: Remove the front muffler. Refer to → Engine Mechanical; Rep. Gr.26; Exhaust Pipes/Mufflers; Front Muffler, Removing and Installing.
- TDI vehicles: Remove the front exhaust pipe. Refer to → Engine Mechanical; Rep. Gr.26; Exhaust Pipes/Mufflers; Front Exhaust Pipe, Removing and Installing.
- Remove the drive axle. Refer to → Rear Final Drive; Rep. Gr.39; Propshaft; Propshaft, Removing and Installing.
- Place the -T10337- on the -VAS6931- and position it at the bottom of the transmission.
- Remove the tunnel crossmember bolts -arrows-.
For reasons of clarity, the -T10337- is not shown.
- Lower the engine/transmission assembly by dimension -a- using the -VAS6931-.
- Free up the wiring harness -4-.
- Remove the lock washers -1-.
- Remove the nuts -2-.
- Remove the heat shield -3-.
Install in reverse order of removal and note the following:
Tightening Specifications
Transmission Tunnel Heat Shield, Removing and Installing
- TFSI vehicles: Remove the front muffler. Refer to → Engine Mechanical; Rep. Gr.26; Exhaust Pipes/Mufflers; Front Muffler, Removing and Installing.
- TDI vehicles: Remove the front exhaust pipe. Refer to → Engine Mechanical; Rep. Gr.26; Exhaust Pipes/Mufflers; Front Exhaust Pipe, Removing and Installing.
- Remove the driveshaft. Refer to → Rear Final Drive; Rep. Gr.39; Propshaft; Propshaft, Removing and Installing.
- Remove the nuts -arrows- and bolt -2- for the underbody trim panel -1- in the heat shield area.
- Remove the lock washers -arrows-.
- Remove the heat shield -1-.
Install in reverse order of removal.
Tightening Specifications
Driveshaft Heat Shield, Removing and Installing
- Remove the nuts -arrows-.
- Remove the exhaust system clamping sleeve. Refer to → Engine Mechanical; Rep. Gr.26; Exhaust Pipes/Mufflers; Overview - Muffler and → Engine Mechanical; Rep. Gr.26; Emissions Control System; Overview - Emissions Control System.
- Remove the heat shield -1- toward the front.
Install in reverse order of removal.
Tightening Specifications
Center Exhaust System Heat Shield, Removing and Installing, FWD Version
- Remove the rear section of the exhaust system. Refer to → Engine Mechanical; Rep. Gr.26; Exhaust Pipes/Mufflers; Overview - Mufflers.
- Remove the left rear underbody trim panel. Refer to → Chapter "Underbody Trim Panel, Removing and Installing, Rear".
- Remove the nut -3- and bolt -1-.
- Remove the heat shield -2-.
Install in reverse order of removal.
Tightening Specifications
Center Exhaust System Heat Shield, Removing and Installing, AWD Version
- Remove the rear section of the exhaust system. Refer to → Engine Mechanical; Rep. Gr.26; Exhaust Pipes/Mufflers; Overview - Mufflers.
- Remove the nuts -3 and 4- and bolt -2-.
- Remove the heat shield -1-.
Install in reverse order of removal.
Tightening Specifications
Spare Tire Well Heat Shield, Removing and Installing
- Vehicles with diagonal braces: Remove the diagonal braces. Refer to → Chapter "Diagonal Braces, Removing and Installing".
- Remove the nuts -1 and 4-.
- TDI vehicles: Free up the line -2--arrows-.
- TFSI vehicles: Remove the nuts -3-.
- Remove the heat shield -5-.
Install in reverse order of removal.
Tightening Specifications
Rear Muffler Heat Shield, Removing and Installing
Special tools and workshop equipment required
- Loosen the rear muffler mounting and lower it slightly using the -VAS6931-. Refer to → Engine Mechanical; Rep. Gr.26; Exhaust Pipes/Muffler; Overview - Muffler.
- Remove the nuts -arrows-.
- Remove the heat shield -1-.
Install in reverse order of removal.
Tightening Specifications