Audi A4 Owners & Service Manuals

Audi A4: Touch display


 General touch display operation

General information Applies to: touch display The center display is a touchscreen. Operation is very similar to operating a smartphone. Tips Certain gestures are not available in every menu. Pressing

 Multi Media Interface

Traffic safety information Audi recommends only using certain Infotainment system functions, such as entering a destination or pairing a mobile device, while the vehicle is stationary. Always be prepa

 Menus and symbols

Fig. 15 MMI: center display Overview screen Displays selected information tiles and provides quick access to certain functions Quick access bar Return to the home screen or the overview


 Transmission Control

Component Location Overview - Transmission Control 1 - DSG Transmission Mechatronic -J743- Removing and installing. Refer to → Chapter "Mechatronic, Removing and Installing". 2 - Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor -G93- 3 - Temperature Sensor In Control M


Description Electromechanical steering supports the driver's steering movements by electronically adapting the power steering depending on the vehicle speed. The settings depend on the selected Audi drive select* mode. Dynamic steering Applies to: vehicles with dynamic steering The driving dynamic

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