Audi A4: Touch display
General information
Applies to: touch display
The center display is a touchscreen. Operation is
very similar to operating a smartphone.
Certain gestures are not available in every
Traffic safety information
Audi recommends only using certain Infotainment
system functions, such as entering a destination
or pairing a mobile device, while the vehicle
is stationary. Always be prepa
Fig. 15 MMI: center display
Overview screen
Displays selected information tiles and provides quick access to
certain functions
Quick access bar
Return to the home screen or the overview
Component Location Overview - Transmission Control
1 - DSG Transmission Mechatronic -J743-
Removing and installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "Mechatronic, Removing and Installing".
2 - Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor -G93-
3 - Temperature Sensor In Control M
Electromechanical steering supports the driver's
steering movements by electronically adapting
the power steering depending on the vehicle
speed. The settings depend on the selected Audi
drive select* mode.
Dynamic steering
Applies to: vehicles with dynamic steering
The driving dynamic