Audi A4: Overview - Flywheel and Dual Clutch

1 - Flywheel
- Refer to the Parts Catalog because there are different versions
depending on the date of manufacture.
- Removing an installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "Flywheel, Removing and Installing".
2 - Shaft Seal
- For the input shaft
- Replacing. Refer to
→ Chapter "Input Shaft Seal, Replacing".
3 - Dual Clutch
- Refer to the Parts Catalog because there are different versions
depending on the date of manufacture.
- Removing an installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "Dual Clutch, Removing and Installing".
4 - Engaging Bearing
- Pay attention to the installed position.
- Can only be replaced together with the clutch
- Removing an installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "Dual Clutch, Removing and Installing".
5 - Clutch Slave Cylinder
- Can only be replaced together with the clutch
- Removing an installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "Dual Clutch, Removing and Installing".
6 - Bolt
- 10 Nm + 90º
- Replacing
- Tighten diagonally to the tightening specification
- M8
7 - Seal
8 - Double Shaft Seal
- Replacing
- Removing and installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "Input Shaft Double Shaft Seal, Replacing".
9 - Guide Sleeve
- Pay attention to the installed position.
- Removing and installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "Input Shaft Double Shaft Seal, Replacing".
10 - Seal
11 - Seal
12 - Seal
13 - Alignment Sleeve
14 - Bolt
- 5 Nm + 30º
- Not present depending on the version.
- Tighten evenly
- M6
15 - Bolt
Special tools and workshop equipment required
Puller - Clutch Module -T40176-
Clutch Disc Shaft Spline Lubricant -G 000 100-
Sealing Grease. Refer to the Parts Catalog.
Special tools and workshop equipment required
Shop Crane -VAS6100-
Puller - Input Shaft -T40050-
Pressure Stand -T40099-
Guide Pins - Gearbox -T40288-
Engine Support Bridge - Additional Hooks (2
Special tools and workshop equipment required
Puller - Crankshaft/Power Steering Seal -T20143-
Thrust Piece -T40300-
Clutch, engaging bearing and slave cylinder removed. Refer
→ Chap
Overview - Center Console
Overview - Center Console
1 - Center Console Bracket
Removing and installing. Refer to
→ Chapter "Center Console Bracket, Removing and Installing".
2 - Nut
8 Nm
Quantity: 4
3 - Cap
Push in the center console
4 - Bol
Connection Diagram - Coolant Hoses
Connection Diagram - Coolant Hoses, Versions without Parking Heater
Blue = large coolant circuit.
Red = small coolant circuit.
Brown = heating circuit.
Green = coolant circuit for the transmission.
The arrows show the coolant flow direction.