Audi A4 Owners & Service Manuals

Audi A4: Rear Seat Backrest, Removing and Installing

Audi A4 (B9) 2016-2025 Service Manual / Body / Body Interior / Seat Frames / Rear Seat Backrest, Removing and Installing

Rear Seat Backrest, Removing and Installing, Fixed Rear Seat Backrest


- Remove the screws -1- in the luggage compartment.

- Remove the bench seat. Refer to → Chapter "Bench Seat/Single Seat, Removing and Installing".


- Remove the bolts -1-.

- Remove the backrest at the lower edge upward and then forward -arrow-.

- Remove the backrest from the vehicle.



Install in reverse order of removal.

Installation instructions: For example tightening specifications, replacing components. Refer to → Chapter "Overview - Rear Seat Backrest, Fixed".

Rear Panel Trim Panel, Removing and Installing, Fixed Rear Seat Backrest

Special tools and workshop equipment required

  • Pry Lever -80-200-



In the illustrations the rear seat backrest is removed.

- Remove the clips -arrows- using the -80-200- and remove the rear panel trim panel -1-.



Install in reverse order of removal.

Installation instructions: For example tightening specifications, replacing components. Refer to → Chapter "Overview - Rear Seat Backrest, Fixed".

Rear Seat Backrest, Removing and Installing, Outer Folding Backrest


- Remove the rear bench seat. Refer to → Chapter "Bench Seat/Single Seat, Removing and Installing".

- Right folding backrest: Remove the center rear belt end fitting. Refer to → Chapter "Rear Seat Belt Latch, Removing and Installing".

Vehicles with Backrest Release


Risk of malfunction.

When removing and installing the release cable, never remove the idler roller -1- from the connector station.

- Open the connector station cover.

- Disengage the release cable mounting bracket -3- from the mount in the connector station -arrow-.

- Disengage the release cable nipple -2- from the idler roller -1-.


Continuation for All Vehicles

- Fold the folding backrests forward.

- Remove the bolt -2-.

- Remove the securing bracket -1- from the center support -arrow-.


Shown without the cushion and cover for clarity.


- Fold the folding backrest -1- slightly forward.

- Remove the folding backrest from the center support -2-.

- Remove the folding backrest from the outer bearing -arrow- toward the center of the vehicle.

- Remove the backrest from the vehicle.



Install in reverse order of removal.

Installation instructions: For example tightening specifications, replacing components. Refer to → Chapter "Overview - Rear Seat Backrest, Folding Backrest".

Rear Seat Backrest, Removing and Installing, Center Folding Backrest


- Remove the right folding backrest. Refer to → Chapter "Rear Seat Backrest, Removing and Installing, Outer Folding Backrest".

- Remove the center cushion downward in the direction of -arrows-.


- Detach the Velcro fastener -arrow- for the cloth trim.


- Disengage the pull tab -3- for the cloth trim.

- Disengage the cloth trim from the mounting pin -2-.

- Remove the screw -1- together with the bearing bushing.

- Bend the metal tab -4- for the molding to the side in the direction of -arrow-.

- Remove the center folding backrest from the hinge pins while pulling the molding out of the guide at the same time.



Install in reverse order of removal.

Installation instructions: For example tightening specifications, replacing components. Refer to → Chapter "Overview - Rear Seat Backrest, Center Folding Backrest".


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